These views are provided for comparison with the monochrome
anaglyph version.
The monochrome picture has been taken through a red filter.
Almost but not quite infra-red.
Green Lane Hospital, once New Zealand's most famous medical institution,
has been down-graded to a clinic, after this photograph was taken,
by administrators with more power than sense. The process was started
by Helen Clark, Minister of Health, in 1990 and completed by business
men with no knowledge of medical requirements. Heart operations in
Auckland are now severely curtailed and the only way ordinary citizens
can get a coronary by-pass when they need it is to go to a private
hospital. Cardiac Surgery was transferred to Auckland Hospital with
insufficient nurses, intensive car beds or operating time. Even sterile
medical instruments are hard to come by because the CSS (Central Sterile
Supply) was almost destroyed by stupid administrators sacking the
staff and employing untrained but cheaper individuals. Even acutely
ill heart patients are now on a long waiting list. Let us hope they
have medical insurance. |
