Cathedral Grove Kauri TreesA large AnaglyphBy John Wattie |
Music Control Here
If the music is distorted (more common with Quick Time than Windows Media
stop it with the control and start again. (There are
patches to cure Quick Time glitches when playing .avi files, and maybe Apple
should fix how it plays midi files too).
A bigger view of the main trees of (Red green/blue glasses)
Anaglyph format, like liquid crystal glasses, allows the biggest picture of all on a computer screen. This is a colour anaglyph and since there are no red flowers, the colour is fairly true, but not as good as the X and U versions needing eye gymnastics. Stereo failureoccurs where a close object obscures distant objects for one eye but not the other. Since these parts are not seen with two eyes, they cannot have a stereoscopic effect. In real life we move our heads to overcome that, but stereo failure in small parts of the picture is a defect of stereoscopic photography. You see it to the sides of the nearest kauri tree trunk. Holography may avoid this, but is beyond my technology. In pictures showing obvious stereo failure, you also get double vision. This happens in real life too, so I do not need to apologise, it is just brought to your attention. Looking at a distant tree, it is seen in stereo but the near tree will be seen double, and vice-versa. Stereo is computed by the brain when there is a slight difference between the images seen by each eye. If there is a big difference, we adjust the eye convergence to correct it, as explained in the physiology section. The three dimensional impression is built up as we gaze around the picture, by repeated eye convergence changes and stereo analysis of individual areas. Anaglyph windowingStereo windowing involves manipulating the distance into the picture occupied by the edge (or frame) of the picture. The stereo window is set by:
For a simple conventional anaglyph:Set the two pictures in register at the desired stereoscopic frame level.
But, it gets worse!
Here we have some of the biggest trees in the world looking small! That is the price we pay for an enhanced stereoscopic effect. Not good. There is only one way to see the trees full size and in true three dimensions - come to New Zealand, walk amongst them and see for yourself. (In the meantime I will have to work out a stereoscopic virtual reality ... but I don't know how!) |
Three stereoscopic versions of Cathedral grove are provided:
Cathedral Grove, Waipoua Kauri Forest. |
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