version - 12/03/19
2nd Edition of the stereo web site. 2012This first edition web site is badly outdated and is being re-written. So far the only useful pages you can access on the second edition are Others are being gradually added and show up on the top menu Updated:March 12 2007: Fungal foray anaglyphs April 2007: STEREO space craft August 2006: version 2.3 of the stereo base spreadsheet, for PDA use in the field. Includes Wattie formula for base versus image magnification.
Pictures to view in 3D:Flickr Recent John Wattie stereo in order of "interestingness" Favourites My personal favourites of other photographer's work. Taking 3D picturesHow to take stereo pictures with an ordinary camera Making Holmes cards versus computer stereo Stereo mathematics: Bercovitz, Di Marzio Equations, Pe Pax, 3D window, Spreadsheets for computing stereo base for 2 digital cameras with zoom lenses. Anaglyphs. How to see stereoscopically
Elementary physiology of binocular vision. Free view,stereo by eye gymnastics Viewing 3D using a 45° prism or a mirror. Stereoscopic Picture EssaysStereoscopic
photography in caves. Fungal foray May 12 2007: anaglyphs ![]() "Wobble stereo" and anaglyphs are available to help those people who cannot do stereoscopic optical gymnastics. Stereoscopic New Zealand Orchids by Eric Scanlen: guest photographer.
Use Red/Cyan goggles for anaglyphs | SVGA |
Anaglyphs can fill the screen and are excellent for showing stereoscopic panoramas |
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